The new album, mastered by the legendary Kramer features a unique mixture of Eastern and Western musical stylings and instrumentation exploring themes that are sometimes deeply personal, spiritual and otherworldly

Get the Limited Edition Blue Vinyl Here

voyage au soleil

Their 2020 debut

Includes the singles “Tranquility Base”, “First Steps”, and the title track “Voyage Au Soleil”.

The album features Bob Holmes (of ambient country pioneers, SUSS) , composer Joel Mellin and multi-instrumentaliust Christopher Romero (both from Gamelan Dharma Swara) who have combined their influences to create a unique blend of Eastern and Western psychedelia.


The debut from this instrumental trio has the air of a purifying ritual, blending psychedelia with a loose-limbed minimalism.

blending the opiated psychedelia of Brightblack Morning Light with a loose-limbed minimalism that privileges subtle effects and incremental chord progressions.“


September 2020

Dave Segal


SUSS And numün Find Hope In The “High Lonesome” Of Ambient Country

“a pop-up book — you think you know what’s going to happen, but then all of a sudden a page opens, and everything just comes to life in a sort of 3-D manner.”


Arielle Gordon

November, 2020


Numün's 'voyage au soleil' Is a Trippy, Ambient Ride and Ambitious Debut

“This inventive trio pulls off the neat trick of creating music that evokes space travel while also sounding refreshingly grounded to Earth's atmosphere. Holmes, Mellin, and Romero possess an uncanny knack for creating a musical climate that perfectly encapsulates the mood of humans in space – full of wonder, fear, and spine-tingling trepidation”


October, 2020

Chris Ingalls


Lift Off!

They’ve created a deep ambient album inspired by the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. John Diliberto counts down to liftoff.



“Their collaboration is simultaneously foreboding and captivating… conjures the appropriate mix of trepidation and awe.”

The Best Ambient Music on Bandcamp 2020


“Unlike virtually anything else recorded today, voyage au soleil by numün is a truly haunting recording of acoustic and electronic instruments. Incorporating traditional Balinese and Americana instrumentation plus synthesizers and loop manipulation.“

Spectrum Culture

September 2020

Bob Fish


"It’s ambient, it’s soundscape, it’s collage and more, and I personally find this kind of thing a balm during these chaotic times. Voyage au Soleil is a deeply satisfying listening experience."

A Green Man Review

October, 2020

in the studio 1.jpg

In a year of music typified by anxious navel-gazing, this tranquil and absorbing set keeps calling me back.

KUTX 98.9


Tous les deux mois, Maxime s'enfonce au coeur de la jungle indé, pour vous en ramener les plus beaux spécimens.


Maxime Wathieu

October, 20


"It’s cosmic music for people who would never, ever coin anything ‘cosmic,’ and slow jams for campers who prefer the outdoors to an El Cosmico tent in Marfa. In a word, it’s authentic, which is a horrifying thing to call anything of genuine value or meaning because of the way that word has become its opposite, but numün makes me believe in a lot of shit I didn’t even know existed. Authenticity lives!"

The Passion of Weiss

September 2020

Will Schube


"one might think that we are dealing here with an album released in the 70s, in the middle of the psychedelic hippie period. But over the titles and listening we quickly realize that finally ”Voyage au Soleil” , the first album of the New York trio Numün is indeed a record of today and above all that it turns out to be totally unclassifiable."

Possible Musics

September 2020


"a dedication to gradual expansion that underscores the trio’s ambient-psych background. "

Vinyl District

September 2020

Joseph Neff


“Numün’s sound has a clean warmth and their debut lp is full of dramatic, cinematic atmospheres which leave room for the listener to conjure their own narratives. Though inspired by mankind’s journey to Earth’s nearest celestial neighbor, voyage au soleil suggests flights even farther out into the cosmos”

Aquarium Drunkard

September 2020



voyage au soleil is an epic journey in which each member brings his own creative stylings, combining to make a piece of music unlike much else out there...feels like a curious space walk, with Eno ambiance lifting into a bouncing rhythm...would not be out of place if plugged right into side A of Dark Side of the Moon.

Deepest Currents

September 2020

Nathan Paul Yoder


You wouldn’t even really call it fourth world music, despite the exotic nature of their instrumentation as they’re not aping styles or appropriating cultures, everything is in slave to their own unique, gentle low key vision. In this sense it’s almost instrumental folk music with the odd exotic or sound design flourish. It has this incredible way of providing a kind of blanket soothing that you can drift away to but periodically you focus back in, and during these moments it feels positively transcendent.

Cyclic Defrost

September 2020

Bob Baker Fish


With voyage au soleil, numün introduce themselves as a force that is capable of channeling the ineffable and intrinsic features of life into musical composition. By fusing long careers that span a great breadth of genres, the group finds common ground in the instrumental description of feeling. East or West, Gamelan or bluegrass, we all share the experience of feeling our emotions shift as we listen to a passing storm or a rushing river. This is the thesis of voyage au soleil.

Slug Magazine

September 2020

Austin Beck-Dross

2019 02 19 sleeve idea.jpg

Over its run time, the project offers a disparate blend of cosmic soundscapes, western and eastern psychedelia, and computer music, creating an intense, ever-revolving atmosphere of mutating shapes, colors and sounds

Riffs & Rhymes

September 2020

Roberto Johnson


I am always on the hunt for atmospheric journey records that are simultaneously cosmic and earthy, accessible and sophisticated, delightful and pensive, trippy and subtle and more analog than not. It’s a high bar—heh, heh, he said high—but I am happy to report that Voyage au Soleil, the first release of a downtown New York trio called Numün, soars beyond the limit.

The Burning Shore

September 2020

Erik Davis


Numün are not the kind of trio that you can slap a descriptor on that fits ever so nicely. There is a fusion that goes on within their music that can include anything from Electronic, Post Rock, Americana, Ethnographic, Prog Rock, Ambient and anything in between.

Drifting, Almost Falling

September 2020


“We always enjoy hearing some of the rarer instruments in music, and numün satisfies our need with gender wayang, theremin, dholak, cümbüş and many more on the spacious voyage au soleil.”

A Closer Listen

Sept, 2020



Voyage Au Soleil, is a story of finding your bearings in unfamiliar territory: the tremolo twang juxtaposed against the strident cümbüş combine as if David Lynch’s Twin Peaks were set on the far side of the moon.”


August 2020

Darryl Sterdan


Complex Distractions

August 12, 2020

J. Hubner

“I’m not sure how something can sound both dusty and jangly, while also sounding ethereal and otherworldly, but “First Steps” does it. Imagine if Ry Cooder, Brian Eno, and William Tyler all came together under East Coast stars and pressed upon the universe to give them a cosmic splash of inspiration.” 


Independent Clauses

July 24, 2020

Stephen Carradini & Lisa Whealy

“it’s an organically-built, slow-moving wall of sound that creates a dense, full atmosphere -a dense, enveloping experience with some slight eastern overtones through an instrumental choice.”


Voyage Au Soleil “taps into the VHS membrane lifting the listener through a lost timeline. The album itself is a trip out past the pollution haze into the spatial luminescence and right into the superexploding sun”


July 23, 2020

Eli Jace



July 2020

Darryl Sterdan

“I was in high school all over again looking for my long lost bong.”